வாணிகம் செய்வார்க்கு வாணிகம் பேணிப்
பிறவும் தமபோல் செயின்.
பிறர் பொருளையும் தம் பொருள் போல் போற்றிச் செய்தால், அதுவே வாணிகம் செய்வோர்க்கு உரிய நல்ல வாணிக முறையாகும்.
பிறர் பொருளையும் தம் பொருள் போலக் காத்து, வியாபாரம் செய்தால் வியாபாரிகளுக்கு நல்ல வியாபார முறை ஆகும்.
As thriving trader is the trader known,
Who guards another's interests as his own.
The true merchandize of merchants is to guard and do by the things of others as they do by their own.
Earth has been always taking care of all our needs. As humans, it is high time to protect and nurture it. Along with Jayadev Enterprise, take a step forward to join this revolution. We aim at providing affordable, reliable, and environment-friendly solutions and services to combat the societal needs of the hour.
Discovering environmental solutions in the field of water treatment technologies.
Devising unique methods to generate energy from renewable resources and also, conserve the available energy.
Conserve, create and clean energy with responsible consumption and production with the aid of technology.
With our solutions to the prevailing problems, global temperature can be reduced and the eradication of global warming with a low carbon footprint can become something next to possible.
Received the Service Award in remembrance of Rtn. MD. M. Nataraj from the Rotary Club of Thondamuthur for the service rendered during the Covid pandemic and supporting activities.
Honoured by the Rotary Club of Zenith for being able to touch around lives by supporting Covid patients.
Privileged in receiving an award for Energy Conservation from the Tamil Nadu Electricity Consumers' Association.
Received the Service Award in remembrance of Rtn. MD. M. Nataraj from the Rotary Club of Thondamuthur for the service rendered during the Covid pandemic and supporting activities.
Let us start analyzing the difference between the ‘wants’ and ‘needs’ of our daily power consumption. Also, let this question pop up – What would happen to Mother Earth if our current methods of waste generation and disposal continue?
An Environmentally-friendly alternative is now our friend. Along with Jayadev, small solutions can later become a revolution to society.
TeamJayadev is now much stronger by having you on board. Together, we can save Mother Nature little by little, come on!
Copyrights © 2022 Jayadev Enterprise. All Rights Reserved and Developed by Sai Techno Solutions.